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How to better organize your Steam games using categories

Steam might have revolutionized the way we buy and play games, but it definitely hasn't had the same impact on the way we manage and organize our game libraries. Previously, gamers could spend several hours working out the best way to display their game collection.

A lot could be said about a person from the system they used. What was the best? Alphabetically? By gender? By publisher? By age? No one knew it, but everyone had a methodology..

Fast-forward to today and the games are somewhat less romantic. Buy a Steam title (or get a free Steam game. 20 Best Free Steam Games That Won't Fool You Into Spending Money. These are 20 games you can get from Steam for free that will provide hours of fun. Read More) and forget it. If you have an extensive collection, you may not even remember owning the title a few months later.

The solution? Use the features of Steam categories.!

How to organize Steam games using categories

Considering how many people use Steam, it's surprising that more people aren't aware of the category feature. To set a category for any game in your library, follow the instructions below:

  1. Open Steam.
  2. Go Library> Games .
  3. Right click on the title you want to set a category for..
  4. Select Set categories .
  5. Give the new category a name. Category titles are limited to 32 characters.
  6. Click add category .
  7. Hit OK to terminate the process.

Note: También puede elegir una de sus categorías preexistentes en lugar de crear una nueva en el Paso 5. Puede agregar un juego a múltiples categorías.

Sus categorías aparecerán en su lista de juegos en el lado izquierdo de la pantalla de la Biblioteca. Si desea deshacerse de una categoría (por ejemplo, si hizo un error tipográfico o cambió de opinión), elimine todos los juegos y la categoría se eliminará automáticamente..

Y recuerda, las categorías son la única solución. Hay muchas maneras de organizar tu enorme biblioteca de Steam. La mejor manera de organizar tu enorme biblioteca de Steam. La mejor manera de organizar tu gran biblioteca de Steam. Es tu biblioteca de Steam llena de juegos que nunca jugarás. Si tienes más juegos de los que sabes con qué hacer, esta herramienta gratuita te ayudará a controlarlos. Lee mas .