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How to learn a foreign language by immersion using Flowlingo

Immersion is probably one of the best ways to learn a language. But not all of us can jump on a plane and jet set around the world to learn languages. But one app is trying to give you that immersion. Available as an app for iOS and Android, Flowlingo immerses your students in books, music, and videos as a means of learning a new language.

Flowlingo has an impressive list of languages ​​available in the app, with more to come soon. That said, not all of them are fully immersive. At the moment, the only language that has all the features is Spanish. So if you have been interested in learning Spanish, this app might be the one for you.

You can select your native language and the language you want to learn, and then you can start browsing content in the latter.

For Spanish, you'll find individual tabs for websites, videos (including music), books, and finally a tab for the words you're learning. For all other languages, you can browse websites in that language and select individual words or entire paragraphs at a time to translate.

How Flowlingo works

Much of the content in Flowlingo will be familiar to you, but instead it will appear in Spanish. For example, include links to popular websites from Buzzfeed and CNN to Wikipedia and Reddit. You'll also find familiar book titles, videos, and even English versions of songs in Spanish.

When reading a book, you can select its difficulty level from Basic to Max. With Basic, every word will be translated, while with Max, none of them will be translated.

How to learn a foreign language by immersion using Flowlingo How to learn a foreign language by immersion using Flowlingo

When watching a video, you can listen and read as the video progresses. You can also tap words to add them to your cards to save and review later.

How to learn a foreign language by immersion using Flowlingo How to learn a foreign language by immersion using Flowlingo

When reviewing the words you've saved, you can choose from a selection of images (some of which are sometimes not very helpful) as a means of helping you remember the meaning of the word.

How to learn a foreign language by immersion using Flowlingo How to learn a foreign language by immersion using Flowlingo

When reading an article on a site, select a word to see its translation. That word will also be added to your flashcards.

How to learn a foreign language by immersion using Flowlingo How to learn a foreign language by immersion using Flowlingo

Reviewing the words you have learned is based on an honor system. You will see a card asking you to guess what the word means. (You will also see the image if you have associated an image with that word.) After guessing, tap Show Answer and the app will ask you if you got the correct answer, and you can tap Yes or No to track your progress.

How to learn a foreign language by immersion using Flowlingo How to learn a foreign language by immersion using Flowlingo How to learn a foreign language by immersion using Flowlingo

If you get a word right, you'll check it again after five days. If you get it wrong, you'll check it again after 30 seconds.

Flowlingo, you're joining a pretty crowded space of free language apps to expand your language skills. The Best (Completely Free) Language Learning Alternatives for Duolingo The Best (Completely Free) Language Learning Alternatives for Duolingo Duolingo may not be for everyone. There are plenty of other great (and completely free) services out there that may be a better fit. Read More The question remains whether it works as a stand-alone app for learning the grammatical intricacies of a language that's entirely new to you - if polyglots are to be believed, with dedication and hard work on your part, it may be the best way out. there.