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Love movies? 4 awesome YouTube channels you need to watch

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While there are many channels that focus on movie review, 10 YouTube Channels You Can Turn On To Catch The Best Movie Reviews 10 YouTube Channels You Can Turn On To Catch The Best Movie Reviews On YouTube. - Pennies worth for movie reviews. In fact, they have entire YouTube channels to showcase their critical shots. Which ones are the best? ... Read More

If you're a big movie fan, here are four YouTube channels you should be sure to check out.

Each frame a painting

Each frame a painting It is one of my favorite YouTube channels. Tony Zhou, a freelance filmmaker and editor, creates video essays that dive deep into the form of film, the language of film. If you're interested in how, or why, movies make you feel a certain way, then Zhou's riveting videos are a great place to start. He dissects such as "Composition, lighting, editing, color, silence, movement, ... music.," and more, all work together to create specific effects..

Each video sees Zhou look at a specific film, filmmaker, or technique, and explore what makes it work. You've looked at everything from the way Edgar Wright, the director of Shaun of the Dead Keep the Walking Dead:The Best Tech to Eliminate Zombies Keep the Walking Dead:The Best Tech to Eliminate Zombies This it's a breaking report. An unknown disease is sweeping the nation. Please stay inside. There are some items in your home that can help. What follows is a special report from MakeUseOf. Read more , Hot Fuzz , and Scott Pilgrim vs. the World - create visual comedy about how text messages and the internet are represented on the screen.

His episode on Michael Bay is a masterpiece. Admitting his own distaste for Bay's work, Zhou disarms Bay's techniques, such as the panoramic photo, and nonjudgmentally examines them. He looks at the mechanics of the techniques, the movies that influenced Bay to use them, and when and where the techniques work (and more importantly don't).

If you're interested in movies and want to develop a deeper understanding of what good filmmakers do and what bad filmmakers don't, Every frame a painting Viewing is required. I have personally watched all of Zhou's videos multiple times.

Really so good

Really so good It's a new series from long-time YouTuber MovieBob. In the announcement trailer, Bob discusses the "negativity, cynicism and snark" of shows like CinemaSins. He argues that by selecting movies for flaws instead of enjoying the film as a whole, we risk missing the forest for the trees.

Yes, all movies have problems, but does that stop it from being a great movie? Just because a movie has been hyped to death, is hunched over in nostalgia, and has some corners of the internet dismissing it as "overrated," doesn't mean it's not an amazing movie that defined an era. Some movies are really that good.

Instead, with a “Relentless Commitment to Positivity” Bob wants to “Make the joy of being a movie fan again.” by delving into the biggest themes and ideas of some of the greatest movies ever made. At the time of this writing, there are only two episodes so far, one on Ghostbusters and another in Die Hard - and both are fantastic (as are the movies that inspired them).

The episode in Die Hard explores a variety of topics, from what action movies were like before they were released, to the cultural context of when the movie was made, to why John McClure defined an era of action heroes, to how good the movie was. I admit it's a bit annoying when someone, in a witty bout of originality, says, “My favorite Christmas movie is Die Hard”, but it doesn't take anything away from the movie.

It's wonderful to see a show for movie fans that isn't just reviewing movies. 5 YouTube Channels for Must-See Movie Reviews 5 YouTube Channels for Must-See Movie Reviews Most of us like to watch movies. Sure, the genres we love differ, but there's still little better than getting lost in a different world filled with a story, setting, and characters for a... Read More If you want to take an honest look at some of the great movies, you should keep an eye out for Really So Good . I'm personally excited to see where Bob takes the show.

Official MST3K

Even though MovieBob has a point about cynicism in movie reviews, it's impossible to put together this list without including the Official Mysterious Science Theater 3000 channel. Shows like CinemaSins all take inspiration from the foundations laid by MST3K in the 1990s.

Set in the “not too distant future”, in MST3K crazed scientists have sent Joel Robinson into space to endlessly watch bad B movies in a convoluted plot for world domination. Joel builds four intelligent robots to keep each other company. Together, they watch some of the worst movies ever made, cracking jokes as they go. The results are hilarious..

While the TV show has been off the air for over 15 years, it now has an official YouTube channel that includes several full-length movies, with more being added all the time, starting in Season 11.

Just like Every frame a painting gives you a deeper understanding of what makes great movies great, MST3K It highlights all the ways a movie can be terrible. If you're interested in movies, understanding what makes a bad movie is just as enlightening as understanding what makes a good movie. MST3K It is also an important part of the history of film criticism and every true fan of the film should see at least a few episodes.

Filmmaker IQ

While Filmmaker IQ is intended as a resource for aspiring filmmakers, there is some great content that movie fans will love. Combined with tutorials on recording audio for digital video, there are great videos exploring the history of popcorn and movie theaters and the evolution of acting theories.

Filmmaker IQ's lesson on the “Psychology of Scary Movies” (embedded above) is the perfect example.

The video looks at what it is about horror movies that audiences find so fascinating. The content offers aspiring filmmakers an understanding of the considerations that come with making horror films, while also giving film fans a deeper understanding and additional context of the horror genre in general.

If you're interested in any form of art, reviewing introductory educational resources is a great way to develop your understanding and appreciate the effort that goes into creating it. If you're a movie fanatic, Filmmaker IQ is the perfect place to start.

End credits

If you're a true movie lover and want to understand how and why your favorite movies work, YouTube is a great place to start. With channels like Every Frame A Painting, MovieBob, Official MST3K, and Filmmaker IQ, you'll be spoiled for choice.

Spend an afternoon watching a few videos from each of these four channels and you'll never look at the movies you watch the same way again. Whether it's appreciating the shape of the movie, the general themes involved, why it resonates with audiences, or the historical context of particular movies, your movie viewing experience will be greatly enhanced by the experience.

Are you a big fan of movies? What great YouTube channels aimed at movie lovers have we missed from the list? Please let us know in the comments section below.