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10+ Star Wars Fan Movies You Should Watch On YouTube

Star Wars The fans are almost unrivaled in their dedication to the universe they love. With the possible exception of Star Trek fans, ironically. Star Wars Video games, websites, books and podcasts abound, and so does Star Wars fan movies. There are short films about the Sith, the Jedi, soldiers, families, pilots, smugglers and all the other members of the Star Wars universe you can possibly think of.

I spent many hours watching Star Wars short films made by fans for fans, and these 10 are my favorites available to watch on YouTube right now. It would literally take weeks to see everything out there, so there are sure to be some great Star Wars Shorts I've missed. However, these amateur movies should help transport you to a galaxy far, far away...

1. Dark Legacy

The training of a Sith apprentice is only truly complete when the apprentice or master dies:this is the principle that Dark Legacy explore Fabien Garcia's award-winning choreography skills are on full display here. Erin Wu, a seasoned martial artist and dancer, is excellent as the Apprentice, and the cinematography and sound are excellent as well.

2. Darth Maul:Apprentice

It's hard to bring Darth Maul to life. He is an enigmatic character, and Ray Park's stunts in The Phantom Menace they are hard to beat. Apprentice However, she does a fantastic job, both in terms of choreography and characterization of the silent killer. The camera work and stunts really stand out in this one, and they tell an interesting part of Maul's story that you probably hadn't thought of before.

3. Hoshino

The story of an impatient Padawan is contrasted with her more serene and mature self in this standout Star Wars fan movie. Anna Akana gives a solid performance as Ko Hoshino, and her teacher Jaan-Xu's somewhat cheesy lines evoke some of the platitudes of the prequel trilogy Watch Star Wars out of order to make it all better Watch Star Wars outside of order to make everything better. Several different ways to watch the Star Wars movies. So, with people who just discovered this series, we looked at a handful to find the best order to watch them. Read more . This piece is not only about patience and learning, but also about costs.

4. The force and the fury.

Deborah Smith's performance as the mysterious pursuer really drives this movie. The intensity and anger on her face and her outstretched claw-like hand add a lot of weight to her interactions with her Jedi prey. The videography on this one is phenomenal, despite a visual glitch with a lightsaber, which makes it feel like a quality piece. It's easy to get caught up in this, despite its short runtime.

5. Kara

Although there is a dogfight in this movie that includes some high quality X-wings and TIE fighters, the focus here is on Kara and her father. Andra Nechita is fantastic as Kara, and she lends emotional weight to her few lines. The chasing stormtroopers are a bit stiff, but Kara is so interesting that it doesn't matter. I would love to learn more about her journey after seeing this short introduction.

6. TIE Fighter

This is Star Wars done in the style of 1980s anime The 10 Best Anime Series to Watch on Netflix The 10 Best Anime Series to Watch on Netflix Netflix has an impressive selection of anime shows just waiting to be discovered. In this article we pick the cream of the crop, with 10 anime shows everyone should watch. Read more . And it's phenomenal. Paul Johnson spent four years of weekends creating this space battle, and it will appeal to fans of the classic computer game. TIE Fighter Straight to 1994. The Star Wars mashup The universe with the anime style and 80's hard rock without the voice acting seems like it shouldn't work, but it does. And it's an absolute blast.

7. Emergency

A Padawan, bereft of his mentor and his sight, must learn to live without sight on an alien planet. Mickey Macellen, despite having very few lines, delivers an emotional performance that makes this movie a must-see. It's almost too bad that another character shows up near the end. If this had been just about Alenna's trip, I think it would have been better. However, it's definitely worth a look.

8. TK-436:A Stormtrooper Story

The visuals in this movie aren't as stellar as some of the others, but the writing is a heartbreaking, heart-wrenching story that will stay with you long after it's over. The story of a soldier leaving his love to go to war is one we've heard before, but Samtubia and Samgoma Edwards tell the story undeniably. Star Wars spin in this masterpiece.

9. Urlon's amulet.

This one is short, but it's done very stylishly and creates a lot of tension. And while the titular amulet's powers aren't explained, it's a compelling item in its own right. I wanted to find out more about this amulet character when I was done looking, and that kind of lingering interest is always a good sign that you've enjoyed something.

10. Star Wars:Destroyer

Another fairly short entry, this one focuses on two X-wing pilots facing a rather sticky situation involving a Star Destroyer. His joke is entertaining, and the idea is creative. While it's not the best Star Wars fan movie on our list, it's still worth a watch.

Bonus:The weight of forgiveness

This is only getting an honorable mention because it's not really a Star Wars fan movie. It uses very well choreographed lightsaber fight scenes, but that's its only connection to the universe. However, it is visually and aurally impressive, and could be considered a symbol of the inner life of a Jedi. Get ready for a unique experience with this..

What is your favorite Star Wars fan movie?

These 10 short fan movies only scratch the surface of what Star Wars is all about. the fans have created. There are dozens more out there, including some feature-length epics that took a lot of dedication (and almost as much dedication to watch).

As you may have noticed, we focus on the more serious end of the spectrum here. However, there is a whole world of skits and comedies out there (like the famous Chad Vader, day shift manager ) is worth watching as well.

If you enjoy Star Wars books, TV series and other stories from one of the greatest cinematic universes of all time, the vast collection of fan films out there is well worth exploring. And YouTube is the best place to start.

What are your favorite Star Wars fan movies? Is it one of the shorts we've listed above? Or one that we've missed from our list entirely? Please let us know in the comments below. Or why not share this article with others Star Wars fans on social media?