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Virgin River season 3:release date, cast, plot

Virgin River season 3 is coming to Netflix! Release date, cast, plot... We tell you everything we know about this new season!

Virgin River season 3:release date, cast, plot

Here is a news that will delight the many fans of Virgin River. Netflix has just communicated a release date for Season 3 of the critically acclaimed romance series, and it's coming soon! Filming is already complete. Like the first two, the third season of Virgin River will have 10 episodes of approximately 45 minutes. When does she arrive? Who will be in the cast? What is it about ? We give you all the latest news regarding Virgin River Season 3!

Virgin River season 3:How did season 2 end already?

Virgin River Season 2 has been available since last November on Netflix. Did you forget the ending? It does not matter, we remind you of the key elements of this very tense finale! (Warning, spoilers!)

The last episode of season 2 was full of surprises for the inhabitants of the small American town as well as for the spectators. We remember in particular the discovery by Mel of the body of Jack. A dark story... The latter is found in his bar, bleeding to death following a gunshot wound to the stomach. Is Jack dead? Mystery ! We don't know anything about the shooter and his motivations... and we can't wait to learn more about him!

We also remember the new engagement of Hope and Doc. A moment of happiness that we take pleasure in living alongside the couple! A moment of short duration, however… Before being interrupted by a surprise party in their honor, Doc was about to announce terrible news to the woman in his life. We imagine that he is suffering from a serious illness. Will she get the better of him next season?

Virgin River season 3:To when will it air?

The wait won't be too long, to say the least!

Virgin River Season 3 arrives on Netflix Friday July 9th. The announcement was shared on the series' Instagram account last week. On this occasion, the main actors (including Alexandra Breckenridge, Martin Henderson and Colin Lawrence) participated in a short video that puts us in a good mood.

Virgin River season 3:Who will be in the cast?

As the video they uploaded on Instagram confirms, all the main actors should be back. It is difficult to see how the production could separate from the handsome Jack...

We will therefore have in particular, for our greatest happiness:

  • Alexandra Breckenridge, as Melinda Monroe.
  • Martin Henderson, as Jack Seridan.
  • Colin Lawrence as John Middleton.
  • Ben Hollingsworth as Dan Brady.
  • Lauren Hammersley as Charmaine Roberts

But this does not end here ! Netflix has announced the arrival of two new actresses: Zibby Allen and Stacey Farber. The first will play Brie, Jack's sister, a funny and courageous lawyer. As for the second, she will play Lilly's daughter, Tara Anderson, who has come to help her mother take care of Chloe.

These announcements have again been broadcast on the series' Instagram account, to which we strongly advise you to subscribe so as not to miss anything!

Virgin River season 3:What is it about?

Here is an overview of the plots that this season 3 should address. If you are behind on the series, stop reading. (Warning, spoilers!)

Given the terrible cliffhanger of season 2, the question that plagues fans is:Will Jack make it? His death seems very unlikely… We are counting on the showrunners of the series for Mel to save his love. Except surprise, all the intrigue around the mysterious shooter will constitute whatever happens the common thread of the story of this season 3. We hope that we won't have to wait for the very last episodes to discover his identity...

Regarding other storylines that we expect to see developed in this season, we can't wait to know what terrible news Doc will announce to Hope. We assume that this concerns his state of health and we hope not to have to say goodbye to Doc… The producer of the series, Sue Tenney, however, was reassuring about the development of this plot during an interview granted in November, stating:

As for the other characters living in the city, we are also waiting to know what becomes of the departure project in San Francisco of Preacher. We also have on the menu this season the return to her life of Paige's son, Christopher. And now Paige will have to deal with it.

While waiting for the release of this new season, find all the news about your favorite films and series! By the way, you wonder what are the best series available on Netflix?